Sunday, 31 August 2014

Photo Scavenger Hunt : August

It's time once again for the monthly scavenger hunt, organised by Greenthumb at Made with Love. I don't know about you but I found it really tough this month! I'm not saying this is the best selection of photos I've ever submitted but I did manage to find something for each category. Here's what I found.

W is for... : Windmill, spotted on a recent walk in Haigh. According to the information board, it was built in 1845 and was used to pump water.

5pm : Working on the border of a wall hanging.

Everyday : Oh how I struggled to think of something for this one! In the end, I decided on an everyday object, an old fork, which has been transformed into something of beauty - well, I think it's beautiful anyway.

Centered : The attention of these horses is completely centered on me and Chickpea. There are another 3 just out of shot and they were all totally fascinated with us. Unfortunately, a ditch and tall undergrowth meant we couldn't get any closer, though the one with the star on its forehead did try.

Peace : Wise words on a bench at Wycoller Country Park (photos from our visit coming soon).

Ball : Spotted in a Chinese restaurant where we were celebrating ours and a friend's very belated birthdays. The ball spins as water pours over it from the dragon's mouth. The sign over the ornament says 'Please do not touch the magic ball!'

Luggage : Suitcases for sale on a local market.

Under : Graffiti under the canal bridge.

On your shelf : My small collection of Freshly Caught Fairy Folk.

Something you do every day : Make several cups of tea! White, no sugar for me. White with two sugars for Chickpea.

Glitter : Glittery decoration on one of my birthday cards.

Sunglass : Chickpea posing in the garden in her sunglass(es).

If you'd like to join in with the Scavenger Hunt, you can find the categories and other entries over at Made with Love. x


  1. Well done Julie they are a great set of photos, I like the photo of the windmill...
    Amanda xx

  2. What a great collection of photos Julie. I really like the graffiti under the bridge, the fork (it is a beautiful object of art) and the horses. x

  3. I like the fork, that really is a good take on the theme!!! xx

  4. Great photos Julie, the horse one is especially beautiful. I love your collection of freshly caught fairy folk, so lovely. Hope you have had a good weekend.
    Marianne x

  5. Chickpea's glasses are snazzy!
    I like your tea shot- I predicted there'd be a lot of tea shots! iThe centered shot is perfect too- wow, those horses!! That fork is beautiful! I have a bracelet made out of one and I love it!x
    Hurrah for the Scavenger hunt

  6. Love these photos, but I really love that fork holding the marble! Is that your face I can see in the marble? HA, thought I couldn't see you, didn't you?
    Love the horses too, love how they are looking at you so intently.

  7. Thanks for taking part in this months scavenger hunt. I found it hard this month also. Great photos of W, sunglasses, under. Greenthumb.

  8. The horse photo is brilliant! And the tea one, it's always tea o'clock in our house too x

  9. I struggled too this month, finally finished today. I love the fork!

  10. Fabulous interpretations - love the dragon and magic ball.

  11. Great collection - I liked 'ball' and the unusual fork!

  12. Great photos, you would never know you had struggled with them. I love ball!

  13. I really like the photo of the horses, the light is lovely. And yes, I make cups of tea all day long too! x
