Saturday, 27 April 2013

Fresh air

Hope you're enjoying your weekend so far. Today I'm actually going to take you back a week to show you some photos I took last weekend. It was such a lovely sunny day last Saturday that I dragged Chickpea out for a walk and some fresh air. We spotted these unusual daffodils on a patch of wasteland.

This friendly pony in a sparkly purple halter was very happy to be petted. We were going to head down the public footpath at the side of her field but a large border collie came running and barking at us from the cottage at the end so we did a quick about turn.

Luckily we did or we wouldn't have seen this unusually coloured, empty, snail shell. The ones that munch my garden are always shades of brown rather than this strange limey green. I brought it home with me and, one day, will get around to finding out what kind of snail left it behind.

Our walk took us to this small wooded area which was quiet and peaceful despite a road running alongside. How bare it looked considering it's almost the end of April. I think if we'd gone today there would have been more spring growth though as everywhere has seemed considerably greener as the week has gone on.

We did see some signs of green like these large patches of wild garlic getting ready to flower. Funnily enough, this week I saw a recipe for wild garlic butter so I'll have to go back and gather some.

As we walked along, we noticed other paths leading away in different directions. Some, like this, had views at the end which enticed you forward to discover what lay beyond. I loved the old cobblestones of this one.

And this is what appeared beyond the stile: horses and geese.

However, we turned back and carried along the main path. On one side there's a little stream and we paused occasionally to listen to the water tumbling over the stones - such a soothing noise.

Every now and then, we disturbed some butterflies - the first I've seen this year. Can you see the two tortoiseshell butterflies in the middle of the picture?

Chickpea spotted this broken branch which she thought looked like a bird. Not a very happy or friendly one!

Luckily there were more cheerful sights too. I've been trying to work out whether this is a wild one or another garden escapee.

Finally, on the way home, we spotted this house selling local honey. I've heard that if you take a teaspoon of local honey every day it helps prevent, or at least relieve, hayfever. As Chickpea has always suffered from it and I've developed it over the last few years, it would be worth a try. Now all I have to do is remember to take some money next time we walk that way.

Hope you enjoyed walking with us. Before starting this blog it would never have crossed my mind to take photos of a walk in our neighbourhood or of all the little details of the things we saw. Yet, it has made the experience so much richer and I've really enjoyed reliving that simple day whilst compiling this post. I wanted to say something more philosophical here but, as so often, just can't find the words, so I'll leave you by saying...

Back tomorrow with some photos from my week. x


  1. Lovely photos of a Northern Spring day :)

  2. Lovely post. I like to see photos of people's local areas, it's always interesting. I suffer from hayfever too and had forgotten that tip about the local honey helping, I'll have to see if I can buy some at our local farm shop. x

  3. I always have a pot of honey in the cupboard as that's what my son's likes to use to sweeten his milk. Lovely photos, I love the broken branch one, such an odd shape.

  4. I loved this walk with you. Yes! Make sure you buy some of that honey the next time you walk. My Dad is a BIG believer in local honey and he is very healthy and he just turned 86!! (Hardly has any wrinkles either!)

  5. Love the "bird" branch - looks to me like he is singing. I have been using local honey (has to be local, so it has the bits of local pollen in it) for hayfever relief. It requires that you take is regularly, year round, but certainly workds. I have a spoon of it in my tea every morning - sometimes a bit of honey on toast - and my hayfever has been completely gone for over 12 years now.

  6. A lovely walk and lovely photos. I'm new to your blog, found you via the scavenger hunt but I'm enjoying it so far :) I'll follow you.
