Thursday 11 June 2015

Days 8-11: Snails, dogs, damselflies and daisies

I might have been taking a break from posting daily updates but the 30 days challenge has been continuing in the background. Here's what I've been up to.

Day 8: Snail race

Monday was a damp day which meant snails in evidence in the garden. Chickpea suggested a snail race. We chose 2 likely competitors, placed them gently on the paving and waited. I've made you a video of all the excitement...

Warning: this video can cause severe sleepiness!

Mine is the snail who stayed firmly in his shell. I should have chosen this one who I saw later motoring his way up one of my pots. Having always found snails very annoying, I've spent quite a bit of time watching them this month and have developed a mild affection for them. What is 30 days wild doing to me?!

Day 9: Yoga on the grass

On Tuesday I was struggling to find any time as I was too busy at work to squeeze anything in at lunchtime and I had my yoga class in the evening. I decided to do a few more poses when I arrived home.

Adho Mukha SvanasanaHead-down dog. A rubbish one too - my yoga teacher would be telling me off for having my hands and feet too close.

Garudasana: the Eagle pose.

Then a few cartwheels just to round things off. I showed these photos to a friend at work. 'You're mad', she said, 'but in a good way'.

Day 10: A tale of three ponds

On Wednesday, I was making my way through a building and noticed a small courtyard through one of the windows. On investigation it turned out there were two small ponds. They didn't look particularly healthy but there were still plants growing and some wildlife.

I think these are a male and female blue-tailed damselfly but let me know if you know better.

Wildlife is in the most surprising places.

Later that evening, it was so warm and sunny that I dragged Chickpea out for a walk through the fields.

We made friends with the locals.

And admired the plantlife. Another one I'm not 100% sure of - the colour was much darker purple in reality.

Finally, we came across a real pond. Gorgeous.

Day 11: Daisy art

I went for a walk at lunchtime but no random acts of wildness were to be had. This evening I didn't have long as we were desperate to catch up with the final episode of Springwatch and the saga of Spineless Si.

So, a quick bit of daisy art which I left at the side of a path. I wonder if anyone will notice it and if it will still be there in the morning.

Depending on how tired I feel later, we might do a bit of stargazing.

Before I go though, an update. On Day 1, I sowed some radish seeds in the hope that they would be ready to harvest on Day 30. Well, look at them now! This was taken earlier this evening and the seedlings are strong and sturdy. It's all looking very hopeful :-)

Tomorrow I have a well-earned day off and we're off to visit a nature reserve. x


  1. I have snail race on my potential list but even on the rainy days I haven't spotted any snails yet! The purple flower is an orchid but don't ask me which one as I never remember - maybe a common spotted or a marsh? Look up orchids and see what you think! The pond looks lovely - wouldn't mind a bit of pond dipping in there! The garden yoga looks like fun too!

  2. Impressed with your cartwheels.:) Yes i too think the flower is an orchid.Maybe a common spotted perhaps.Great post.:)

  3. Great post, cool random acts of wildness here. That real pond is a cracker! I bet those small ponds are teeming with wildlife. I'll have to find some snails now and see if we can race them.

  4. Yay, your radishes are doing really well aren't they!!! You have had another great seven days of wild things! Shame the snails didn't realise they needed to get a move on hey! xx
